Je winkelwagen
Je winkelwagen

harmonic cup with little acidity but an even stronger body. India Harley Estate has high caffeine content and a delicate flavour of cardamom and vanilla, which will make any coffee lover’s heart beat faster.

Origin and Plantation
The Classic Synergy Group is a group of coffee farmers in the fifth generation. They produce high quality coffee, which differs significantly from normal coffee, both in its optic and in the cup. It is the result of careful cultivation, meticulous tending, special processing and roasting. They only use organic fertilizer. The workers are provided with housing, electricity and water in addition to their wage. There is free education for their children as well as access to medical facilities and they receive parental allowance, bonuses and special pay as well as paid holidays.

Classic Synergy is a group of coffee farmers in the fifth generation who produce high quality coffee which is visibly different in quality from normal coffee. It is the result of
careful cultivation methods, meticulous picking routines, special processing, marketing and handling. The labourers receive free accommodation, electricity and water. Education for the children and medical infrastructure are also free of cost, complemented by paid maternal leave, bonuses, incentives and continued pay during vacation.

India produces washed and unwashed coffees (called “cherry“). The washed Arabica is labelled “plantation arabica“ and the washed Robusta is called “parchment robusta“. For the production of monsooned coffee, the coffee beans are put into layers of 10 – 15 cm and spread in a wellaired warehouse. The coffee beans are exposed to the humid wind of the monsoon over a space of 12 to 16 weeks and regularly turned over.